Women’s Ministry

We believe that women of God, from young to old, deserve a space to love God together.

Ministry Overview

The Bethel Women’s Ministry seeks to encourage and empower its women. We aim to provide a synergetic environment where women can fellowship, impact, support, and love each other.

We strive to see women using their gifts and talents to impact and influence people for Christ. We seek to honour our past, live in the present and prepare for the future.

We look to build each other up, knowing that the love we show God and each other can take us higher. We believe that as a unit, women of all ages can grow spiritually and fulfill their God-given potential in every aspect of their lives.

Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.

Phil. 4:13

Our Meetups

Women’s Ministry

Our Women’s Ministry meets up on rotating dates for outings, events, picnic, or bible studies! Reach out to our church offices for more information!